Message July 25, 2015


 July 25, 2015 


"Dear Children! With joy I am with you also today and I call of you, little children, pray, pray, pray so as to comprehend the love which I have for you. My love is stronger than evil, little children, therefore draw closer to, God so as to feel my joy in God. Without God, little children, you do not have a future; you do not have hope or salvation; therefore leave evil and choose good. I am with you and with you, I intercede before God for all of your needs. Thank you, for having responded to my call." 07/25/4015

 A letter from God


My Child,

I offer you more than your earthly father ever could. Matthew 7:11

For I am the perfed father. Matthew 5:48

Every good gift that you comes comes from my hand. James.1:17

For I am your provider and I meet all your needs. Matthew 6:31-33

My plan for your future has always been filled with hope. Jeremiah 29:11

Because I love you with an everlasting love. Jeremiah 31:3

My thoughts towards you are countless as the sand on the seashore Psalms 139:17-18

And I rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17

I will never stop doing good to you. Jeremiah 32:40

For you are my treasured possession. Exodus 19:5

I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul. Jeremiah 32:41

And I want to show you great and marvelous things. Jeremiah 33:3

If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me. Deuteronomy 4:29

Delight in me and, I will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

For it is I who gave you those desires. Philippians 2:13

I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine. Ephesians 3:20

For l am your greatest encourager. 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 




 In the first days, when Fr. Jozo did not yet believe in the apparitions, he would ask the visionaries many questions in order to compare their answers, but he could not catch them in a contradiction. Little Jakov was only 10. When asked how the Gospa spoke to them, he answered: "When She speaks, it is as if She sings!" "How?" Fr. Jozo asked. "Doesn't She know how to speak?" She knows very well!" replied Jakov. "This is precisely what I want to tell you. It is beautiful when She speaks! Her voice ... It is like music!"

Of course, the pilgrims cannot hear Mary's voice the same way, but they recognize it from the heart, just as a little child knows instinctively when his mother is, or is not, in the room. Let me share with you a living parable given here by Fr. Philip in a recent homily.

Father mentioned Fr. Rick Van Dewater, a priest from North Carolina who was posted as a pastor to a small Roman Catholic Parish among the Bedouins in Jordan, near Kerak. Of course, most of his parishioners were Bedouins! Three years ago, one of them came up to him and said, "Father, what has just happened to me is terrible! Last night, all my sheep were stolen and there are none left!" The priest knew that the Bedouins make their living from the sheep and he said to the man: "Don't worry. Tomorrow the livestock market is taking place. Come with me and see what happens." The next day they went to that fair where thousands of sheep were on sale, as happens every season for the Bedouins. Fr. Rick said to the man: "Now stand here and call your sheep as you used to do. "The shepherd raised his voice, called his sheep, and he saw an amazing sight: on hearing the voice of their shepherd, all the sheep that belonged to him started making their way toward him in the midst of the thousands of other sheep. Though they were scattered all over, they all gathered around him. When he counted them, none were missing!

Yes, "My sheep know My voice; " says Jesus, As for Medjugorje, why do people flock here in the thousands? Is it because of first class publicity? No! But no one can stop a child from running to his mother when hearing the musical voice of her amazing love.





Saint John Paul II the Great


Early in his pontificate, recognizing the great problems he faced from Communism and a secular world, prayed to Our Lord that Mary Our Mother might come to earth to help him as she had in apparitions in 1858 at Lourdes and 1917 at Fatima. Six months later the apparitions of Medjugorje began. St. John Paul II considered these apparitions to be the answer to his prayer. He was known by the Vatican as the 'protector of Medjugorje', St John Paul II said that 'Medjugorje is the fulfillment and completion of Fatima'.


Fr. John Ted Carter (dec.) of Erie often said, "there is no sense in going to Medjugorje unless you bring Medjugorje home."

Pope John Paul II said: "It is good for people to go to Medjugorje and pray. It is good." to Blshop S. Treinen, Boise, ID. 1989




Among local pilgrims, these days there are many pupils at Medjugorje who--at the end of their school year--go for a traditional excursion. Many of them traditionally come to Medjugorje to thank the Queen of Peace for their success at school.


Evening of Prayer and Music


 DuBois- there will be an evening of prayer & music at St. Michaels Church 15 Robinson St. DuBoiS. Sunday Aug. 9 at 6:30 P.M. Very Rev. Father David Paulson is Spiritual Director of The World Apostolate of Fatima and Charismatic Renewal of Erie Diocese.

He ministers to the incarcerated of Albion State Prison. Fr. David also celebrates Latin Mass in addition to a regular Mass schedule. Father will lead in Scripture reading, homily and Benediction. Music Ministry by 'Shalom'. Following the service, he will have prayer for healing of physical, spiritual, and emotional problems. - Please join us in prayer for the healing of others. People of all faiths most welcome.

I never knew God was all I needed till God was all I had.

"A miracle is the achievement of the impossible, and it is only when we put aside our greed, anger, pride and prejudices so that our minds are open and ready to accept it, that a miracle can occur." Julie Andrews


 The Truth of Medjugorje

 By Cindy Nolan


There has been a lot of talk about Medjugorje having to do with speculation about the Vatican commission, etc. It has been a bit unsettling for some. I have transcribed the homily given on Sunday, June 28, 2015, at the English Mass in Medjugorje, because I believe it answers the unsettling speculators very well. It gave me much peace, and I hope it will give you peace as well.

Homily for English Mass, Medjugorje, June 28, 2015 - Fr. Rory 0' Donnell:

My dear friends, would you believe that is has been 28 years since I first set foot in this parish of Medjugorje. I was a seventeen year-old boy, and one of my priest/teachers challenged me to come here to Medjugorje. Religion class had become a series of stand-up rows between himself and 1. The political situation in Ireland at the time was very tense at the time, especially in the North, and the views that I held, and that my family held, were in sharp contrast to anything that the Church was saying at the time.

But eventually, one day, in exasperation as myself and this priest were rowing back and forth at each other in the classroom, he said to me, "Have you ever heard of Medjugorje? If you went there, you would change your views." And you know something, what he said was true beyond his or my wildest dreams.

Each time I come to Medjugorje ... (I have been here countless times) ... each time I come here and alight from the bus or the car, I have to stop myself from throwing myself down on the ground and kissing the sacred, sandy soil of Medjugorje, because it was here, 28 years ago, that I was born, at the age of 17.

Our first reading [Wis 1:13-15] reminds us that there is death and there is life. God's desire for us is to exist for all eternity. But the enemy of our souls is jealous. He wants to bring us to death. The evil one had a plan for me, and he had me walking on a certain path. But Mary stepped in and She snatched me from him. And through Her direction, like the woman in today's Gospel [the woman with hemorrhages in Mark 5:25-34], I came closer to Jesus than I ever thought possible.

On my third day here in Medjugorje, the joy and peace was already dawning in my soul. And at that time, the people used to gather up there where the parish office is now, and we would kneel outside to welcome the presence of Our Lady. And on that third day, just after I had knelt and I stood up, a woman approached me and she was crying. And she said to me, "Rory, during the last few minutes, as we were kneeling down, I looked over in your direction. And all of a sudden, you were enveloped in a circle of light, and everything else became dark. And I heard a voice, and it was the voice of a woman, and the voice simply said, 'He is going to be a priest."

I was shocked. I was stunned. I walked away, but for some strange reason, it was as if someone had put the final piece in the jigsaw of my life. And I began to feel this great sense of joy. I remember going to Confession, and many of you here know Fr. Svet. Fr. Svet was hearing confessions and I told him my sins, and then he said to me, "What will you do with your life?" And I told him what had just occurred, and he said, "Well you know, the Church in Ireland needs you."

I came back, and that was in April. And my family thought that it was a different son who had returned because I was so different to the person who had gone. And years later, my mother told me that my four brothers and two sisters had said to her, "What happened to Rory in Medjugorje, because he is so different from the young man who went there in the first place?" In fact, a few weeks later, I was going into Sunday Mass, and I went with my older brother, Seany; and as we were walking into Mass, he turned to me and said, "Rory, please, please stop that!" And as we were walking into the church yard, I said, "Stop what?" And he said, "You know what you are doing. Please stop it. It's embarrassing." And I said, "Seany, I don't know what you are talking about." And he said, "Rory, stop smiling at everyone." It was true, the joy was so deep in my heart when I came back.

But you can imagine as the weeks and months went on, I began to wonder about the calling from Medjugorje. Was it really true; was it this woman's imagination? Maybe it was something else. I saved every penny I had, I collected copper coins to get back to Medjugorje on the following October. And I was out here in the fields one day, and there were some Irish women kneeling on the ground, looking up at the sun. I was with two friends of mine, and they said to me, "Can you see the sun spinning?" And I was dismissive of it, and I said to them, "You know if you look at the sun long enough, you know it's going to spin." And one of the women got very angry with me. And she said to me, "I cannot understand why people with no faith, come to Medjugorje."

The next day, two of the women who were with her said to me, "Did you catch up with Mary?" I said, "No," They said, "Oh, she really wants to talk with you." I thought she wanted to apologize because she was a little bit intemperate the day before. Finally she caught up with me, and she sat me down and she said to me, "I have to tell you something that happened yesterday. I was so angry with you. And I began to say in my mind, "Why do people who don't believe come to Medjugorje?" And she said, "I heard a voice, and it was the voice of a woman. And the voice simply said, 'Why, he is going to be a priest." Twice in one year that was confirmed for me here in Medjugorje.

My road to priesthood was long and it was difficult. I trained for ten years. I was in three seminaries, and I was in two different dioceses. I was kicked out of one seminary twice! Can anyone beat that record? But here I am now, 28 years later. And the truth of what Mary said, the truth of what I received here in Medjugorje, has become a reality. Because on the 20th of June, 1998, I was ordained to the priesthood, and incidentally, the 20th of June, 1998, was the Feast of the Triumph of Immaculate Heart of Mary! It was on that day that I was ordained.

You know, over the last few weeks and months, and years really, there has been a lot of talk about what is the truth of Medjugorje. There are many opinions, and many of them contrast, and many of them say it is a hoax and it's nonsense, it is not true. The story I just told you is the truth of Medjugorje. Because it is true that a young boy came here 28 years ago, and here he was called to the priesthood. Here he left his old life behind. Here he took something new. That is the truth of Medjugorje.

I know that many of my brother priests who are here today, many of them have sat for many hours over the years, hearing confessions here in the parish. And we have heard the stories of lives that have been changed, of healings, of recoveries, of all kinds of extraordinary miracles. We ourselves know the truth of Medjugorje. And we ourselves have experienced that truth through the stories that we have heard. I am sure that many of you have gone to Cenacolo. You have heard the stories of broken lives that have been mended, of young men who were on one path that was leading them to death, being called to a path towards the fullness of life. That is the truth of Medjugorje.

And there is no commission and there is no inquiry and there is no churchman who can ever contradict or deny that truth of Medjugorje. So my dear friends, your role now is to go back home and to be the truth of Medjugorje. Your role is to go back to your family, your countries, your families, your homes, your loved ones, and by the ways your lives have changed, you become the truth of Medjugorje. No one can ever contradict that my brother, my sister, my dad, my mum, my son, my daughter went to Medjugorje and came back and all of a sudden Sunday Mass is the most important thing in their life. They won't allow a day to pass without praying. They won't allow a month pass without trying to get to Confession. Your role, your job, your task now, given to you by Our Lady, is to go back and be the truth of Medjugorje.

And you know, as I look out and see the young people here, you have a very particular call. Our Lady has called you here. There is nothing more wonderful than when I hear parents say to me, "You know we are not Mass goers, but my son, my daughter, they went to Medjugorje and came back and they won't miss Mass for the world. They are there every Sunday - no matter how late they are out Saturday evening, they are up for Mass on Sunday. My son, my daughter, they went to Medjugorje, and they came back with Rosary beads in their pocket and they pray it every night." That is the greatest witness, as young people, you have a far greater witness to give to the world than those of us who are a little bit more advanced in years.

So, my dear young people, you need to go back and be the truth of Medjugorje, a truth that can never be denied and never be contradicted. Because, please God, no matter what happens here, someday I will hear a father or a mother say, "You know, my child is a living word of God, because my child went as one person when they went to Medjugorje and when they came back, like the woman in the Gospel, they had come closer to Jesus."

Thank you, Father Rory! Thank you for the clarity of your words.


Can You Tell Me Where?


 Can you tell me where

748,336 priests came and concelebrated Mass

People stand in line to get into the church for Mass

Thousands of people gather for Mass daily

Thousands climb mountains praying the Rosary

Thousands attend Adoration

Thousands have received their conversions

Thousands have received their vocational calling

Thousands go to Confession

1,014,550 Consecrated Host have been distributed

More than 50,000 youths gather annually to pray, sing and give testimonies?

Answer: Medjugorje

These facts will not be changed.

They are authentic as of June, 2015.

Statistics from the official Medjugorje website:


"The World is full of suffering

It is also full of overcoming it."

Helen Keller

(Deaf & blind author and speaker for the disadvantaged.)


 WEEKLY-St. Michael the Archangel in DuBois -has 24 hour Eucharist Adoration. It begins on Wednesday after the 9 A.M. Mass and ends Thursday morning at 8:30 A.M.

A Chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed Wednesday at 3 P.M.





Donation procedures have been greatly simplified in recent years. Please phone Susan at 814-592-9824 or


To hear our Lady's Message, very early, by phone, call 1-814-787-5683 (LOVE). Usually the 26th of each month. Prayer requests at this number are given to the visionary, Vicka, so that she may offer them to Our Lady. Prayer petitions can also be handwritten and sent in a sealed envelope to: The Holy Family, Ine., PO Box 442, St. Marys, PA 15857-0442. They are forwarded to Vicka who presents them to Our Lady.